Sunday, April 24, 2011

~Baby E~ 3 months

We tried to take some family pictures on Friday and we got rained out so saturday even though Dad had to work we took some of just Edison... he clearly didn't like the idea

                                                                              But he eventually tired himself out and we were able to get lots of poses of him asleep! 

 And after a lot of patience and hard work we even got a few smiling!! thats why I LOVE photographing little ones! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A&J Maternity

 I had the best time photographing this couple! They are ADORABLE! and soon will have an addition to their family... 
 Yep ITS A BOY!!!! 

 I LOVED the way she smiled at him! she was sooo sweet. 

 We're just missing the pickles... 

Spring Time

 My neighbor was sweet enough to let me try some new techniques out on her little ones. They were so much fun to photograph.

Big Brother was so cute...
He wanted to be the photographer
not the model. But he did a great
job smiling!
LOVE those eyes!

This was my first attempt tying up a blanket as a swing... she did great helping me figure it out. 
Awe... a brothers love there's nothing better! 

Monday, April 18, 2011

~A~ Family

I had the opportunity to photograph a friend from California!  

they were recently blessed with a beautiful baby boy! He was SO GOOD through the whole session then finally opened his eyes at the very end. Perfect!